Posts Tagged "Cards"

In cavalier attendance upon the school of females, you invariably see a male

The boat was now all but jammed between two vast black bulks, leaving a narrow Dardanelles between their long lengths. But by desperate endeavor we at last shot into a temporary opening; then giving way rapidly, and at the same
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He read and re-read the paper, fearing the worst had happened to me.

He read and re-read the paper, fearing the worst had happened to me. He was restless, and after supper prowled out again aimlessly. He returned and tried in vain to divert his attention to his examination notes. He went to
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Audio Post – By midnight the blazing trees along the slopes of Richmond Park

The man who escaped at the former place tells a wonderful story of the strangeness of its coiling flow, and how he looked down from the church spire and saw the houses of the village rising like ghosts out of
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